During a face to face consultation we will maintain the government’s recommended 2 metre distance for most of the time; however for us to do our hands on assessment/treatment we will need to get closer than 2 metres. This will increase the risk for transmitting the COVID-19 virus. We have taken every precaution we can to prevent this happening.
- A screen has been built around the reception desk.
- Fewer physiotherapist will be in the clinic to ensure we maintain 2 metres apart where ever possible.
- Patients will be asked to phone or email us to make appointment rather than dropping into the clinic, thus reducing the footfall.
- Sessions have been staggered to prevent patients coming and going at the same time.
- Hand sanitiser is available in each section of your journey through the clinic and the surgery.
- Rooms and equipment will be cleaned thoroughly in between each appointment.
- Physiotherapists will be wearing gloves, aprons, masks and possibly visors/goggles for each new patient.
- All the staff have been fully trained in PPE use and procedures.
- To reduce the time spent together we will be doing the first part of the assessment virtually and to assess if we need/you want to see us in clinic.
- We will be taking our own temperature at the beginning of each session and results will be recorded.
- Before you enter the clinic we will be asking you the specific COVID questions again to ensure you do not have any symptoms
- Hands on treatment will be limited to no longer than 15 minutes, in line with the government recommendations.
- Any information that you need from your physiotherapist after the appointment, eg exercises, will be emailed to you.
- Payment can be made via BACs, or we could do a few transactions to allow you to contactless or use the machine which is wiped clean before and after each transaction.
To help us reduce the risk, we please ask if you could:
- Stay in your car to wait for us to call/text you when we are ready rather than waiting in the waiting room.
- Come on your own if possible, however we do understand if a carer or parent is needed. We will need prior warning if this is the case please. (The questions about the virus would apply to them as well)
- Wear a mask before entering the building
- Use the hand sanitiser at the entrance to the clinic at the bottom of the stairs.
- Gloves if you wish to hold onto the banisters (gloves and masks will be provided at the front of the surgery if you need them)
- Bring a freshly laundered towel in a plastic bag if you think you may need one
- The toilet downstairs in the surgery is for emergency use only (the toilet at the top of the stairs is for staff only)
- Confirm yours and your carers contact details with our receptionist. These will be used to contact you if we need to do track and trace.
- We will be taking and recording your temperature with an infrared thermometer.
- We will be asking the COVID-19 questions again before you enter the clinic.
Questions for you and your carer/parent if attending with you:
- 1. Have you, anyone in your household or anyone you have visited in the last 2 weeks got a temperature above 37.8C, a persistent new cough, or loss of taste or smell?
- 2. Have you, anyone in your household or anyone you have visited tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 2 weeks?
- 3. Have you traveled to another country in the last 2 weeks?
- 4. Do you or your carer suffer with hay fever or have more of a risk of sneezing/coughing generally?
Please don't hesitate to get in touch for further information:

0118 9767189

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